Not much going on this summer? Sarah Damm offers five ways to hit the reset button, gain a fresh perspective, and grow in our faith.

As spring comes to a close, and summer begins to shine forth, Sarah Damm reflects back on the last three months and shares what she has learned.

Sarah Damm joins the monthly Open Book linkup on CatholicMom.com. Join me and other avid readers as we share the books we’re currently reading.

Seven Ways to Celebrate the Easter Season
The Church gives us 50 days to ponder and celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. Sarah Damm offers 7 simple ways to live out that Easter joy all season long.

Six Tips for Adding Journaling Into Your Prayer Routine
Want to add journaling to your prayer but don’t know how? Sarah Damm offers six simple tips to begin a prayer journaling habit.

An Open Book: What I’m Reading in March
Sarah Damm joins the monthly Open Book linkup on CatholicMom.com. Join me and other avid readers as we share the books we’re currently reading.

As winter comes to a close, and the dawn of a new season is upon us, Sarah Damm reflects back on the last three months and shares what she has learned.

An Open Book: What I’m Reading in February
Sarah Damm joins the monthly Open Book linkup on CatholicMom.com. Join me and other avid readers as we share the books we’re currently reading.

Simple Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
Inspired by Scripture readings from the Christmas season, Sarah Damm shares simple ideas to beat the winter blues and fully embrace winter.

Liturgical Living Between Christmas and Lent
After Christmas, we enter a short season of Ordinary Time, before Lent begins. Here are a few ideas for living liturgically during winter’s Ordinary Time.